Himley Parish Council.

Himley Parish Council Coat of Arms

Parish Clerk: Mrs Stephanie Farley - 01902 896963. Email: himleyparishcouncil@gmail.com

Parish Councillors are unpaid elected representatives of the community. The number of councillors on a parish council varies depending upon the number of electors in the parish. Himley parish is quite small and has seven council seats. Elections for councillors are held every four years.

Three councillors constitute a quorum (that is, the minimum number of councillors that must be present for a meeting to be valid).

The council has one part time employee, the clerk. He or she is expected to provide advice and support to the council but is not a member and does not vote.

The council normally meets on the third Wednesday of each month in Swindon Community Centre Council Chamber at 7:30pm. There is no meeting in August and the December meeting is usually held on the second Wednesday. All meetings are carried out in accordance with The Good Councillors Guide.

Agendas are standard as items under each heading for discussion can come in day to day.

Minutes are available after they have been verified at the following meeting.


There are 4 vacancies for Parish Councillors on Himley Parish Council.

Please contact the clerk via email at himleyparishcouncil@gmail.com if you would like further details regarding this.

Current Councillors are:

Chair Yvonne Nock 01902 896447 ypnock@talktalk.net
Roger Lees 01384 279910 r.lees@sstaffs.gov.uk
Sandra Oliver 01384 274600
Gareth Bowen 07888 731221 gareth@sharmar.co.uk

All councillors are required to complete a Register of Interests. Copies of these documents are held by the Clerk to the Parish Council and by South Staffordshire Council and can be inspected by members of the public.

Each year the Parish Council sets a budget for the forthcoming year (including the precept) and accounts are audited annually by both internal and external auditors and explain variances between the year being reported and the previous year.

The procedures that govern the way the council operates are the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.

The conduct expected of individual councillors is described in the Code of Conduct. This also describes the course of action you should take if you feel a councillor is in breach of the code.
Your complaint will be investigated independently of Himley Parish Council.

Himley Parish Council Meetings

There are two annual meetings. The first meeting will be the Annual Meeting of the Council where a chairman is elected and probably a vice-chairman. The second is the Annual Parish Meeting which is not a council meeting. It is a meeting taking place between 1st March and 1st June where electors can attend and the Council reports its financial position and parishioners have the opportunity to raise issues with and receive reports from their councillors.

Himley Parish Council Meeting Dates

Wed 20th November 2024
Wed 11th December 2024
Wed 15th January 2025
Wed 19th February 2025
Wed 26th March 2025
Wed 16th April 2025
Wed 21st May 2025
Wed 18th June 2025
Wed 16th July 2025
Wed 17th September 2025
Wed 15th October 2025
Wed 19th November 2025
Wed 17th December 2025

Meetings are held at:

The Council Chambers, Swindon Community Centre, High Street, Swindon, DY3 4NR

Starting at 7.30pm

The dates can be subject to change but are usually held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month except for August when there is not a meeting.

Himley Parish Council is the closest to the people as it is the first tier of local government and knows the local area and its problems. Although it only has limited powers, it provides a voice for Himley and Gospel End and works in partnership with South Staffordshire District Council and Staffordshire County Council to address problems and provide services.

Himley Parish Council is responsible for bus shelters, the Playing Field and play equipment

South Staffs District Council is the second tier and responsible for anti-social behaviour and community safety, bereavement services, building control, Business Hub services, commercial development and regeneration, Council Tax collections and Business Rates, elections, environmental health, fly tipping, food hygiene and safety, Green Flag, grounds maintenance (excluding public highways), homelessness prevention, housing advice, housing benefits and Council Tax support, leisure, licensing, litter, graffiti, fly-posting and dog offences, noise nuisance/pollution, planning applications, policy and enforcement, road sweeping (routine only), street cleaning, street name plates, tourism, tree management, waste and recycling collections.

Report a problem online at: www.sstaffs.gov.uk/report-it or telephone: 01902 696000 (general enquiries)

The District Councillor is Roger Lees. Tel: 01384 279910. Email: r.lees@sstaffs.gov.uk

Staffordshire County Council is the third tier and responsible for adult social care, Blue badges, bus passes, bus shelters, children’s services, education, flooding, footpaths, gully empting, highways maintenance (including potholes, road closures and diversions), household recycling centres, libraries, parking on street, public rights of way, public transport, registration of births, marriages and deaths, street lighting, Trading Standards, tree management, verge maintenance, waste disposal management (not collection), weather related issues, weed spraying.

Report a problem directly on the My Staffs App at: www.staffordshire.gov.uk/mystaffs-app. Highways: www.staffordshire.gov.uk/reportit.
or telephone: 0300 111 8000 (general enquiries)

The County Councillor is Victoria Wilson. Tel: 07592 883270. Email victoria.wilson@staffordshire.gov.uk