Himley Parish Council Official Website.
Welcome and thank you for visiting Himley Parish Council's website. We value feedback, so please send us your views via our contact page so that we can endeavour to keep the site both current and interesting to it's visitors.
South Staffordshire is unique and special. It is a predominantly rural district, there are no towns - rather, a collection of villages scattered across the landscape. The traditional South Staffordshire villages have expanded gradually over time, beginning as small farming communities and growing up around a church or market place. The rural landscape has been, and remains, integral to the character of the district; and the settlements are closely tied to it.
Despite recent changes within settlements, the historic landscape remains prominent. Many of the settlements retain a medieval layout, populated with historic timber framed buildings whilst outside of the villages, medieval field patterns and winding lanes enclosed by high hedgerows remain.
If you are visiting the site and you have something that you feel may be of interest to others, or you are organising an event in the area, then send us the information and we may be able to get it published on the website.
We hope you enjoy your visit to our website and find it interesting.